They are inclined to splurge on purchases and have a good eye for color scheme and layout. People with Venus in the 4th love to shop for their homes and pick out cool and interesting items that will enhance and spruce up their domain.
They really know how to make a house into a home and give an inviting touch. They want to create a harmonious atmosphere and fill their spaces with beautiful things.

People with this placement are also inclined to take pleasure in catering to others and providing a source of comfort and strength. They are hospitable and generous hosts who will do their best to make people feel comfortable and at ease. People with Venus in the 4th are likely to enjoy entertaining guests at their abodes. They salivate over the gorgeous homes of others and draw inspiration that will invariably be applied to that of their own. Their love of home may extend to an interest in real estate and the art of building design. They love to beautify and enhance their living space and showcase their personality and tasteful eye through the fixtures and collectibles that adorn their haven. They likely have a flair for home decor and interior design. These individuals care a great deal about managing their home environment and making it appealing and comfortable for both themselves and visitors.

They have a soft spot for domestic life even if their sun is in a sign like Sagittarius or Aries. Individuals whose natal chart features Venus in the 4th house are bound to have fond memories of a pleasant childhood. The home is a sanctuary and castle of beauty that contains all the elements necessary for happiness. There’s a focus on creating a loving home that is also visually appealing. Furthermore, venus in house 4 encourages reconciliation and compassion for loved ones. Food and drink and sensual delights abound when the fourth house is occupied by Venus. It desires to reach out and unify the people who live under the same roof and bridge the divides that separate them. Venus engenders an eagerness to express affection and make others feel welcome. Here, the beautifying energy of Venus serves to enhance the home and promotes a gracious and charming domestic life.