
Author of optimism
Author of optimism

author of optimism

Clusters and innovational networks toward sustainable growth. Problems of improving the management of socio-economic subsystems in smart cities. Plotnikov, V., Vertakova, Y., Treshchevsky, Y., & Firsova, N. International Journal of Business and Globalisation, 15(1), 63–80. Creating a formal market ecosystem for base of the pyramid markets-strategic choices for social embeddedness. The experts of the banking sector, regional authorities, and university teaching staff evaluate the innovative potential as being quite low. They believe that innovative development is feasible in all sectors, from government programs to personnel training. The most optimistic institutional group is that of the business community.

author of optimism

We find it noteworthy that such “pessimism of action” pertains to both their own institutional groups and the neighboring groups that intensify innovative development. All expert groups evaluate the feasibility of innovative options lower than their impact.

author of optimism

The analysis has shown that the overall level of optimism of various institutional groups is relatively low. By applying fuzzy logic to the survey results it allowed us to predict the future results of innovation, evaluate the factors that influence innovative development, and outline the preferences of the institutional groups that the experts represent. For this purpose, we employed an expert questionnaire as the method of survey. This study aims to evaluate the specific features and the level of optimism of various institutional groups toward the innovative development of the Russian economy.

Author of optimism